
Your mind on Youtube: Analysis of Google Machine learning capabilities that skillfully read your mind

Mind reading does not mean the science fiction or magical version of the reading mind. Indeed, it could precisely have a similar meaning if, futuristically, we have the mathematical and physical model and tools. Reading mind is the idea of simulating your historical data and predicting a futuristic response. For example, If I've been using Youtube for ten years with my historical choices, preferences, and fascial recognition, if I'm also chatting on Google, highly possible youtube uses these data to predict the best options for you but not just the choices also it expands beyond that in some cases the machine learning model developed itself to ask you some intriguing questions like you are in a questionnaire.

Predicting futuristic events is no longer science fiction but a reality with different precision.

Predicting a futuristic event has been a research topic for decades with the application in customer preference , election ,  a weather events, precipitation, and climate change.

The same Machine learning methods have been widely used in data centers to enhance the big data, improve your experience, and attract you to spend hours and hours watching even if you don’t spend a single cent on the advertisement. Not of course for free but it’s important to enhance the model and improve it to the level that it’s become similar to the human level of abstraction. 

Influence your decision on economic, political and personal issues could be the final aim.

I always believe in free election , but never believe in free choices .

The influence of the media in deriving our choices in every aspect becomes undeniable. These algorithms that build social Media have become in the most influential state ever. Algorithms over others develop themselves daily with our data to a level that might not become controllable. These algorithms have been developed in a neuroscientific way to simulate each person’s mental ideas and drive him to their target.  For example, in the marketing aspect, for days, you’ve been searching for a gift for your girlfriend; on her birthday or the days before, you find yourself watching tons of Social Media ads that derive you from buying what they ask they can even predict the choice that in your mind.

Video questionnaire, intelligent abstract questions to read your Mental state, a video adjustment to simulate your mind, video adjustment to spot bots, a more abstract question like never before.

Different techniques that Google has used to update your preference that goes beyond the mentioned target

The influence of the media in deriving our choices in every aspect becomes undeniable. These algorithms that build social Media have become in the most influential state ever. Algorithms over others develop themselves daily with our data to a level that might not become controllable. These algorithms have been developed in a neuroscientific way to simulate each person’s mental ideas and drive him to their target.  For example, in the marketing aspect, for days, you’ve been searching for a gift for your girlfriend; on her birthday or the days before, you find yourself watching tons of Social Media ads that derive you from buying what they ask they can even predict the choice that in your mind.


Imagine that thing came to life and having a feeling: how dangerous it could be employed on the backend of the google engine. I will let the video talk itself.

Google opens about one of the current Google AI models that has a feeling and read feeling.



Collecting your preference will eventually result into a better model that simulates your idea and predict your preference better and better , you will ultimately feel .

The more you use the model, the better it gets in reading your preference of course and updating itself to simulate your idea better.
These Machine learning models are designed to improve with your preferences, resulting in a better model that acts exactly like a human with a machine’s capabilities. You are just the training, and the more they collect of your preferences, the much better they get. Some Machine learning companies are paying you to train them like Appen. 





Your data is very precious which needs a real permission protected by law for those who exceed their limitation in using them.

A regulation that spots this Machine learning which goes beyond the purpose of updating preference is required to keep our data safe. Your data is a treasure that requires rules to save it.

In the old days, data didn’t mean technology wasn’t advance to the limit it collect your data . With advances in technology, our privacy becomes vulnerable; anyone can easily collect our data and buy and sell it. Our data involve many things such as your chat, things you buy,  your fascial and behavior , your preferences, your emails , your locations  . A moment to think about our privacy and put a regulation and hard laws to protect these data from being used without our permission is highly in need. 


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