
The futuristic robotics and the barrier of consciousness

Many recently started to compare human intelligence and robotics in terms of mathematical and cognitive abilities. However, it is not a fair comparison and needs more criteria. Some repeat the idea that robotics intelligence can be only compared as far as the early evolution of animal intelligence, despite the unfair comparison of cognitive abilities. I'm convinced that the only barrier for super-intelligent creatures is the idea of self-consciousness and self-awareness. You would barely be able to compete on the level of cognitive abilities and creative matters. A self-conscious generative robotics that is able to collect and understand millions of ideas that are far beyond any human’s abilities. Trained over time to understand human feelings. Within a matter of seconds can collect any online knowledge and adapt to it.  Have no barrier on the level of efforts and the physical tolerance. The only barrier between robots and humans is the matter of self-awareness and self-consciousness. These concepts can be established through this article highlighting that the idea of a self-conscious robot is no longer a science fiction, but a far more a well-established science that can imitate human nature. However, the far beyond cognitive abilities of the robot beyond those of humans still there are major barriers on the level of feelings and sensing as the human central neural system is very complex and impossible to imitate.

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The most persuading definition for me in terms of self-consciousness is the ability of the robot to connect with its environment in terms of understanding the environment around it and understanding the feelings. We can refer to the feeling as the ability to sense, and in the robotic environments, it can refer to the sensor, while the sensing system for the human is far more complex than the current advancing in the robotics sensors and not at all comparable. In order to mention that the robot is humanoid, a much more complex sensing system beyond the current advanced technology is needed to be imitated. For example, in a small finger that immitate the sensor or neurological system for human (See Figure 1). It’s not only about the small sensors that are in a small area of the human body, which can be manufactured with advanced technology. However, the perception of such data within a millisecond in the neurological system. This data by itself is considered a data centre by itself.

“There 's no current theory or scientific defintion to address the physical essence of consiousnsess ”

consciousness may be defined as a third dimesion of the data , it is not just a couple of equation , however a much more sophisticated subjective experience that integrate all the memory , the sensing and emotional experience that define that experience. Delivering a robotic with such subjective experience required sophistcated neurological system of sensors and perseptive knowledge.

So when we compare the complex human system to a robot , its hard to mentioned a humonid robot. While it term of cognitive abilities , mathmatical , lingusitic and memory , given these robots are consiouscly trained , they will be inferior to their human counter part . these robotics in term of self awareness , sensing and consiousness are still ways to go and there is no comparable forms to the human neurological system.

Some neuroscientist believes that consciousness is not about the basic sensory processing data in the brain cortex; for example, there is a highly complex part of the brain, such as the cerebellum, which is considered to have no role in the conscious experience. It appears to have a role in non-consciousness experiences such as requiring balance in bike riding. Other theories suggest that consciousness is just a matter of order between the brain and the ecosystem. While the unconscious mind is essential for human experience, it might lead to wrong, unthoughtful decisions. The unconscious act is a set of experiences that are understood very well and practised without any need for self-awareness.

It’s hard at the end to compare the human cognitive abilities with those robotic counterparts, which drives unfair comparisons. The only barrier for humanoid robots is their ability to be self-conscious and self-awareness. With the current technology of sensors and actuators, it’s impossible to imitate the human nervous system or even a small portion of it.

Figure 1: A small human finger sensor system showing the complex dilama of establishing self aware robot when speaking the humanoid robotic language

Next article will delve deeper into humanoid robots


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